Jatropha Nurseries
Modern Nurseries for Jatropha Seedlings
AEPC is supporting 11 organizations to establish 10 modern nurseries where jatropha saplings can be grown and distributed. This is a key factor in the success of any mass cultivation programme.
Jatropha Plantation Training Program
Another key factor affecting the success of mass cultivation programmes is the ability of local farmers to get high yields from the jatropha crop. AEPC plans to provide training in jatropha plantation techniques to farmers in each of Nepal’s five development regions with the aim of establishing a base of 200 farmers trained in jatropha cultivation.
AEPC is working with 5 organizations to achieve this.
Eastern Development Region
Renaissance Society Nepal
J/V.C Himal Energy Consultant Pvt.Ltd
Balkot-2, Bhaktapur
Contact: Y. B. Thapa
Tel: 01-6632821
Cental Development Region
Himalyan Agro Enterprises and Research Center Pvt.Ltd
ContactL Tek Bahadur Thapa
Tel: 01-4670821/ 98510909061
Western Development Region
Bhairab Darshan Sajiwan Urja
Palpa, Tansen-6
Contact: Ram Bahadur Rawat
Tel: 075-522687
Mid-Western Development Region
Multiscope Consultancy Pvt
Contact: Hari Bhadur Darlami
Tel: 01-2112128
Far-Western Development Region
Community Rural Development Society
Contact: Prakash Chandra Misra
Tel: 093-420273/ 974950391