Urban Domestic Biogas
Urban Domestic Biogas Plant
The urban domestic biogas plant, named as Sahari Gharelu Biogas Plant (SGBP) for easier local understanding, is a new and unique technological concept in Nepal. It is based on the principles of a floating drum biogas plant. After long research and experiment, GoN introduced it for the mass dissemination. Currently, plants of 1 cubic meter are introduced, but the plants up to 4 cu m (1-4 cu m) capacity fall in this system and the subsidy for such plants have been accordingly provided. Generally, it is planned to be developed among the urban and semi-urban households of large cities. To manage the organic kitchen waste at the households converting them in to bio-energy is the prime focus of this system. It uses the daily household organic wastes, such as food leftovers, cuttings and clippings, etc to produce biogas for cooking purpose. It is more convenient for maintaining household cleanliness and it also mitigates the inner and outer pollution.
The system was introduced in the fiscal year (FY) (2069/70 B.S. / 2012/13 A.D.), with subsidy for piloting in Kathmandu Valley. With encouraging outputs received in the initial phase, AEPC now aims to introduce this system in the feasible urban areas outside Kathmandu as well.