Plant Rehabilitation Project

Plant Rehabilitation and Efficiency Improvement Project (PREIP)

Along with other program and projects, the PREIP project is also geared up, hand in hand in co-ordination with other partner agencies of AEPC/NRREP. The name itself suggests that, this project is spearheaded on rehabilitation/restructuring/revamping for improving the efficiency of old and non-functioning biogas plants installed before 2003 A.D. in Nepal. Along with the work out on strategic plan and promotional activities, this project is already launched from the mid of 2013 onwards and in the first phase of this project, altogether 41,032 plants of 9 districts of Nepal are planned to be rehabilitated.

Studies have shown that, out of total installed plants, around 95 % plants that have crossed guarantee period are operational. In such situation, this project will also enhance further, the life time of such biogas plant, in the sense, it is hoped to be more beneficial to the biogas users making the technology more owned and adaptive.